Monday, September 30, 2019

Should Examinations be Abolished Essay

Good morning everyone. My name is YONG YU, representing class 2/7.The motion of today’s debate is â€Å"Should examinations be abolished in school† In my point of view, I strongly agree that examinations should be abolished in school! Firstly, the approach of present examination systems means the beginning of fear, tension, anxiety and stress in the minds of the students under which if a student doesn’t performs according to his/her parents expectations may lead to students even taking the extreme step of ending their life by doing suicide. Secondly, some people also think that exams are not a reliable test of gauging the ability of the students as luck plays a major role. It is impossible to set the questions at the same difficulty every year, if it is easier, he will score higher. It is possible to study the tested subjects for the exam then forget everything and yet score high marks. Therefore, I question that I want to ask you is, â€Å"What’s the point of having examinations, when it causes many negative impact In conclusion, I strongly believe that Examinations should be abolished in school!! Should examinatons be abolished in schools? Read more: If There Were No Exams Essay Good morning/afternoon/evening teachers and fellow friends . I am Ashraf from class 2/7 . I am here today to talk about the motion ‘ Should examinations be abolished in schools?’ First of all , i would like to say that i strongly disagree with the idea of abolishing exams eventhough they are troublesome for students and even teachers . Here are my reasons why examinations should not be abolished in schools . Firstly , examinations are part and parcel of school . You come to study in schools . You want to know where you stand . You want to know how good or how bad you are at your academics . So , what is the use of going to school , studying but there is no exam to test you ? That brings me to my next point . Without the presence of examinations , students would be much more lazy . They would not feel the importance or even the need to study . They might drop out of school or not care about the slightest thing that concerns school . Students also would give up easily because there is not a need for them to understand something and be good at it . This not only affects the students . It affects the teachers , the parents , the community and the country . If examinations are abolished , teachers would not feel the need to teach students until they understand a certain topic . It makes their work easier . But , for teachers who are committed in teaching , they would be getting a rough time trying to teach the students . These teachers would then feel they are not qualified for teaching . This would bring their morale down . This might even break their ambition . In conclusion , abolishing examinations would have more negative impacts compared to positive impacts . So i stress my point , i repeat it , Examinations should not be abolished in schools . Whether examinations should be abolished in schools. Meghan on Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:53 pm Hello, this is Meghan from class 2/7 express. I strongly believe that examinations should not be abolished. Examinations have been around for as long as anyone can remember. Examinations have been used in primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, polytechnics, so on and so forth. It should not just disappear from our society. I believe and feel that examinations help us get better in the subject. By taking examinations, our teachers may help us to improve our grades, and help us correct our mistakes. When taking an examination, our goal is to score high grades, and to make our teachers, parents and peers proud of us. As many different questions may come out on the examination, students are urged to study more, learn more. There are many reasons why students want to score high grades. One of the many reasons  which I experience time and again is because of competition. Students like to fight against each other to get higher grades on their examinations, as many students today, even though we do not like to admit things, are quite arrogant. Now, examinations also give us a chance to apply what we have learnt in school, and apply it in real life. Also, don’t examinations drive us to understand what the teachers are teaching. I’ve even heard a student, back in primary school say, â€Å"I don’t like to study! It’s irritating. I’ll just cheat.† Now, some people think that cheating is an easier way to make parents and teachers proud, but that’s actually. The cheaters are the ones who would be suffering. Not only they might get caught, but they won’t actually learn anything from the entire experience. See, the things we learn earlier in life help us to get THROUGH life. Just think about it. When we go to kindergarten, and learn simple English, and simple Mathematics, that got us through primary one, right? So basically our knowledge would keep building up and up, helping us to get through life. Also, have you ever thought about it? In Mathematics, for example, they base some problems on real life situations. See, we can use those skills in real life! So examinations are actually really helpful. Examinations are all based on one’s understanding of a formula, topic, or subject. So if we understand more, we would be able to get higher grades, and hence we would be able to apply our skills in real life. Some people might think, â€Å"What? How is algebra supposed to help me? Like if I were a hawker?† Now, not all jobs involve skills like that. Many jobs involve many different topics. There may be many reasons by students why they think examinations should be abolished, but this one reason rises high above all, in terms of importance: Examinations are the only way of determining the students understanding the subject. I would like to say once again, I stand firm by my idea, we should not abolish school examinations. Thank you for your attention. Should Examinations be abolished in school  Izzah(14) 2/7 Good morning Mrs Sng, teachers and fellow students.I am a representative from  2/7, here to express my opinion whether examinations should be abolished. As a student myself, I strongly believe that major examinations should be eradicated.Now,I shall move on to my first substantives for the day. This word could make a happy and cheerful student turn into a wreck in just one day. Exams. Exams have absolutely prove itself as a lethal weapon to students.As a result, this causes the student to be stressed before and after the exams itself. Before the exams, I am sure that most students will be extremely stressed out . Thus, they will most probably burn the midnight oil to study topics and cause the student to fall sick or suffer from sleep deprivation. It can even result to disastrous outcomes such as harming his/her self and worse,suicide. This also applies after the exams. A student may not achieve his/ her desirable results or the high expectations setted by their parents. Hence, the student will be depressed or afraid to face their parents. With all these factors in mind, it is obvious that examinations does not enhance the journey of learning, but hinder it instead. As a fellow student myself, every student had come across this scenario before. When a particular student score highest in the class, even without lifting a finger, it definitely will spark off a sense of jealousy between the students.As a result , they will become competitive .Hence, they will only try to beat the top scorers and not focuse on the main point of attending school, to actually gain knowledge and understand what is being taught. In conclusion, this competitive environment is not a condusive one to study in. Even so, I believe there is still some good left in examinations. However, I suggest an alternate arrangement that will help to lessen the immense pressure on the students. I suggest projects that require the teachers to assess students in oral and physical practices such as presentations and Science practical tests. I also suggest to have class tests that only test student based on a particular topic so the student can prepare for the test better thus the student will get better results. It is also because a major exam may not cover all topics that being taught. Hence, the suggestions I have stated will make the assessment of students much fairer. With that, I strongly believe examinations should be abolished due to the fact that it causes harm in the emotional and physical being of the student and a competitive environment that will affect the learning process.I have also stated alternative arrangements that could be implemented to make assessments of students better. With that, I thank you. Cue Should examinations be abolished Masyitah Shakirah on Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:04 am Good morning everyone.My name is Masyitah.I am going to talk about whether examinations should be abolished.In my honest opinion,I think that examinations should not be abolished. My first reason is because through examinations,students can know their level of understanding towards a certain topic of a subject.They will then approach their teachers if they know their weaknesses and if they need help in certain topics.After that,the students would be able to score well in their upcoming examinations.they would also be proud of themselves if they are one of the top scorers in their schools. Exams is also a form of encouragement for students to study harder and get better results for the coming examinations.I am sure the students would want to be the same standard as their friends.Without examinations,students will be lazy to study and they would not be bothered to do all the homework given by their teachers.As examination results will be printed out on a sheet of paper and parents have to sign on it,the students would surely try and do their best in every examinations because they do not want to get scoldings from their parents and want to make them proud. Even though I feel that examinations should not be abolished,I think that the number of examinations given per year to the students should decrease.This is so that the students would not feel stress as they need to rush through their revisions for a lot of subjects.The teachers would also have time to let their students understand the subject better until the whole class is  ready to move on to the next topic. In conclusion,I strongly believe that examinations should not be abolished because it can train the students to plan theri time well and be disciplined.However the amount of examinations given should be reduced so that it would not cause the students to be stress because they came to school to study,not to cramp their brains with a lot of things in just a few months before the examinations.With that,I thank you. Masyitah Shakirah Re: Should Examinations be Abolished in Schools? JunYe on Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:06 pm Hello everybody, this is JunYe from class 2/7E. Today, I am going to talk about the motion â€Å"Should examinations be abolished in schools?†. I strongly agree that examinations should be abolished. There are a few reasons on why examinations should be abolished in schools. Firstly , as we all know examinations are used to test on students to let the teachers and students know how well they are in a particular subject. Students might be misled by parents that examinations will definitely make life-long changes to their life and hence , putting students under tremendous stress and unable to concentrate while learning or revising. Secondly , as most students are concerned about the grades they get and thus causing them to be over-reacting when they get disappointed in their grades. They might be under depression and emotionally unstable. Students in this state tend to become short-tempered with either their work or their fellow classmates and even the teachers are being used to vent anger on. In conclusion, I think the examinations should be abolished in schools as it is not that effective enough to let the students concentrate and learn. Thank you. JunYe Guest Should Examinations be abolished? BryanSim on Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:50 pm Hello everybody, I am Bryan from class 2/7. I am here today to talk about the motion, ‘ Should examinations be abolished in schools? ‘ I agree that examinations should be abolished. I will state a few reasons on why examinations should be abolished in schools. Firstly, examinations may put students under tremendous stress as if students do not do well in the examination, parents might scold them when they bring the papers back home for parent’s signature. As a result, students may study very hard to avoid their parents’ scolding. Secondly, Students may not really benefit from the examination as some students only memorise the things that are tested on the examination and after the examination, they would forget they had memorise as they need to memorise things tested on the next examination. Lastly, I think that examinations should be changed to surprise tests as surprise tests would not give students to memorise the things tested and this would mean that the students have to use their knowledge that they have. In conclusion, I think that examinations should be abolished in schools as it put students under tremendous stress and while students are in great stress, some of them do not really benefit from the examination. Thank you. BryanSim Should Examinations be abolished in schools ? Liyana on Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:11 pm Good morning teachers and fellow students. I am Liyana representing 2/7, and I strongly believe that examinations should be abolished in schools. Firstly, students get stressed whenever examinations are around. They might stay up late, or skip meals just to revise for their upcoming examinations. This is unhealthy for the students as the body would not get enough rest and nutrients, and there’s a likely chance that the students might get sick. Also, students are stressed after the examinations too because they will worry about what score they are going to get. Also, knowing students these days, we are very competitive. We always want to be the top. An  over-competitive environment is not a good place for students to learn, because then, all they want to do is to be the top. This is bad because is defeats the purpose of going to school in the first place, and that is to learn and gain knowledge. Also, students might not need to even pay attention during lessons and still get a high score. All they need to do is to memorise all thier notes given by their teachers, memorise information from their textbooks as nowdays examination is really about memorising. Students would then have a mindset that they can score well, even without paying attention in class. Just to summarise the points, the mindset, and an over-competitive is bad for students, because they will not really achieve the main goal, and that is to, again, gain knowledge. So I would like to end off my speech by saying that examinations should be abolished in schools.

Literature review- should marijuana be legalised? Essay

The legalisation of marijuana has long been a debated subject, and not only in Australia But all around the world. People’s views in this area vary greatly, with many reasonable arguments for and against the issue. In this report, past studies and literature will be reviewed providing an understanding into the possible consequences of legalising marijuana as well as the views and debates regarded to the issue. The organisation, Gallup has been examining America’s attitude towards the legalisation of marijuana since the late 1960’s. Their studies show that in the past Americans have been opposed to the issue, with just twelve percent supporting the drug’s legalisation in 1969. However, in 1977 this number increased to 25 percent, and in 2000 rose again to 31 percent (Carroll, 2005). According to a new study by Gallop, the amount of Americans in favour of marijuana’s legalisation today has now soared to a riveting fifty percent. Including people between the ages of eighteen and twenty nine most in favour of its legalisation, and people sixty five and older proved to be most opposed to it (daily mail reporter, 2011) A predominant question in the debate relating to the legalization of marijuana is whether consumption would rise and by how much. Many people are concerned that if the drug became legal it would become more accessible, affordable, and acceptable in society, making an increase in consumption a big possibility. Rand, a drug policy research centre, conducted a study that supports this argument. â€Å"Results from these studies suggest that regular use of marijuana will Increase both in prevalence and in terms of average level of use with a fall in the monetary price of marijuana and a reduction in the enforcement risk of using marijuana. The precise increase in use, particularly in terms of average quantities consumed among users, remains unclear because of inadequate analyses of conditional demand. However, it is clear that the number (prevalence) of regular users will rise in response to both (Pacula, 2010).† According to Rand there is still an uncertainty towards how much marijuana consumption will increase post-legalisation, however, their models suggest that numbers could increase by fifty to one hundred percent or more. This would depend on the retail price, availability, advertisement and the federal response (Kilmer, 2010). If more people are using the drug, more people will be open to the health disadvantages marijuana has on the human  body. The primary reason why marijuana has been illegal in the past is because the drug does have many adverse health effects. In the same way the government protects people on the road by making them wear seatbelts; they also want to protect members of society from falling to the consequences involved with consuming marijuana. The government does have a certain level of responsibility over the safety of society, which is why many people believe that marijuana should remain illegal. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has surveyed and conducted many scientific research projects, all showing that excessive marijuana use has a serious effect on a user’s memory, social skills and capability to be educated (buddy, 2006). Intensive use can also lead to many long term effects such as depression, anxiety and personality disorders as well as an increased risk of getting bronchitis, lung cancer and other diseases of the respiratory system (NSW Government, 2011). Despite these effects of marijuana usage, it has proved that marijuana is no more harmful than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. Which brings into question, why should marijuana be illegal when alcohol and tobacco consumption is allowed? An investigation by the British Medical Association actually went on to prove that alcohol and tobacco are far more addictive than marijuana. In fact, the drinking of alcohol and the use of cigarettes result in more deaths per year than does the use of marijuana.(marijuana safety, 1999) † Alcohol is more toxic, more addictive, more harmful to the body, more likely to result in injuries, and more likely to lead to interpersonal violence than marijuana† (safer choice,2010) If marijuana were to be legalised it could provide a safer alternative to alcohol and more harmful drugs. Substituting these drugs with marijuana could be a successful approach to the battle against substance abuse. Amanda Reiman describes what she has found in her study about the substitution of other drugs with marijuana. â€Å"Substituting cannabis for alcohol has been described as a radical alcohol treatment protocol. This approach could be used to address heavy alcohol use in the British Isles – people might substitute cannabis, a potentially safer drug than alcohol with less negative side effects, if it were socially acceptable and available.†( Reiman, 2009) Similar studies in this area went on to suggest that legalising marijuana will decrease road  accidents. By viewing statistics in areas where the drug has been allowed, researchers have found that there was nearly a nine percent reduction in traffic deaths (science daily, 2011). Marijuana has actually proved to have many medical uses, although sometimes they are completely overlooked. In the past, many studies have shown the drug to have several beneficial effects, these include, effective pain relief as well as providing aid to the side effects of chemotherapy and the symptoms of AIDS, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma and other serious illnesses.(co-ed magazines, 2010) In 1997, the National Institutes of Health published a report specifying the possible medical uses for marijuana. The report emphasized five areas of medical care that were most applicable. These included Stimulation of appetite and decreased cachexia, Controlled nausea and vomiting linked with cancer chemotherapy, Decreased intraocular pressure, pain relief and finally, the benefits in area of Neurological and movement disorders By allowing marijuana consumption the government would be providing many people with a cheaper and effective alternative for pain relief and other medical impa irments. Legalisation could also lead to further medical research and findings on the medical uses of the drug.( National Institutes of Health, 1997) ‘Though the benefits of medical marijuana are ignored by the federal government, many scientists seemingly agree that the benefits of marijuana from a medicinal standpoint heavily out weigh the risk when it comes to aiding patients’ (Gallagher, 2012) When looking at marijuana legalisation from an economic perspective many advantages are noted. a study lead by Dr. Jeffrey Miron reported that once legalised, If marijuana were to be taxed similarly to the taxation system used on alcoholic and tobacco products, Governments could be looking at annual savings and revenues of up to fourteen billion each year. This includes savings in areas like prohibition enforcement which is said to be around 7.7 billion dollars. Over 500 other economists are supporting Dr. Jeffrey Miron’s study and are calling for a debate considering the reason and basis behind marijuana prohibition. (Miron, 2005) Overall, views on the legalisation of marijuana vary greatly among the people of Australia and the world. Past literature and in depth studies have revealed many advantages and disadvantages in regards to the drugs legalisation. Society’s arguments  are centred around, the effects on marijuana consumption, health effects, health benefits, economic advantages and its harmfulness in regards to other legal drugs. Bibliography Vandaelle, I. (2012, Janurary 17). Majority of Canadians support legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana, new poll suggests. Retrieved 2012, from National Post: 10 Major Health Benefits of Marijuana. (2010, September 2). Retrieved 2012, from Coed magazine: Cannabis is The Answer To Booze Problems. (2011, October 16). Retrieved 2012, from Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths, Preliminary Research Suggests. (2011, November 29). Retrieved 2012, from science Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths, Preliminary Research Suggests . (2011, november 30). Retrieved 2012, from The rational response squad: m/forum/30694 Record high: Gallup poll shows FIFTY per cent of Americans favour legalising marijuana. (2011, october 18). Retrieved 2012, from mail online: Carroll, J. (2005, November 1). Who Supports Marijuana Legalization? Retrieved 2012, from GALLUP: Debate on legalising marijuana . (n.d.). Retrieved 2012, from Hun pages: Gallagher, P. (2012, April 30). Are the benifits of medical marijuana being completely overlooked. Retrieved 2012, from Activist Post: Kilmer, B. (2010, September). Insights on the Effects of. Retrieved 2012, from Rand:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Clinton administration

In a more modern sense, the conflicts in Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda were liberal efforts to assist the U. N. in maintaining humanitarian ideals throughout the globe. The Clinton administration could not gain support for these efforts from Congress, which showed that we had a liberal leader at the helm of a realist Congress. Today, the need for international cooperation is greater than ever. Global borders, once so vital, have eroded to the point that they are no longer visible to any but the most redoubtable warmongers.In an era where one can contact Bora Bora in an instant, the necessity of communication and understanding is greater than ever. It is true that human nature will not change; what we can change is the manner in which we deal with it. Many people argue that the United Nations is an impotent organization whose time has passed. Others debate that the U. N. is the only forum in which the smaller nations of the world have a voice. Unfortunately, both views are correct. For instance, in the case of Bosnia, Serbian soldiers seized 350 UN peacekeepers as hostages.The United States was forced to intervene in August of 1995. By November of 1995 the nations of Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia arranged to sit down and discuss the matter, and by the 21st of that month an agreement was signed (Mingst 121). In this instance, then, the UN was powerless and had to look once more to the U. S. to provide international leadership. Realists quote this episode as the strongest example of their belief in the importance of military leadership. For the American public, too, military leadership is palatable, but only if the conflict is brief.Other organizations, such as the ICC, or International Criminal Court, are of more recent origin. While it is not a new idea to punish nations in retaliation for war crimes, using an international forum in which to do so is an idea founded after the conflicts in Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The ICC covers a very specific group of crimes and seek s to penalize the individuals responsible. The dictates that the ICC covers are genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. The ICC should help to avoid extradition issues in that the ICC has absolute jurisdiction over these aspects of international law.It will also serve as a sounding board for enforcing individual and national accountability (Mingst 190). In order to comprehend the effectiveness of international organizations, one must first analyze how liberals and realists view them. Realists are basically state-centered; that is, they believe that states only act to preserve their own self-interests. While they acknowledge that international law has a place in preserving order and the status quo, they also feel that states only comply with international laws because it serves their self-interests to do so (Mingst 191).Order brings benefits; therefore states should comply with imposed order to reap these benefits. For example, it behooves states to f ollow the dictums of maritime law and not invade foreign waters. Conflicts can be costly on an economic, psychological, and military level; therefore, most states abide by international laws to avoid reaping these costs. As for international organizations such as the UN, realists are skeptical. They feel that most of these organizations have more weaknesses than strengths. They aver that the UN has proven unproductive and ineffective.An example of this might be the failure of the UN to enforce the 2003 resolutions against Iraq. In this manner, they claim, international law will only stand to reinforce the powerful states, because the dominant states are the only ones with the means to bring such causes to fruition. The realist belief system is essentially anarchic—they believe that states only cooperate with one another because it is in their self-interests to do so. If they choose to disregard the strictures of international law, they will also do so, particularly if the law in question directly affects their economic or military wellbeing.Realists believe that international organizations and NGOs are completely useless in that they have no means of enforcing their dictums. They cite as examples the failure of the UN during the civil war in Yugoslavia. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the nation of Yugoslavia had no effective arbiter, i. e. the U. S. S. R. , to mediate disputes. Yugoslavia had major fault lines within the country: religious, political, cultural, and historical (Mingst 204). The conflicts that resulted after Russia could no longer control the nation were so ferocious that the world was appalled.Serbian leaders tried to maintain unity in the face of strong opposition from separatist movements from the Slovenian, Croatian, and Bosnia-Herzegovinian nations. Several countries jumped into the fray, supporting one cause or another, but this only served to make the situation worse and emphasized the ideals of Yugoslavia as a divided nation. Both the EU and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) tried to start negotiations, but none could come to a successful conclusion. Fighting broke out among the warring factions in the meantime.At this point, the UN got involved to try to deliver humanitarian aid and establish a peacekeeping force. In the end, no international arbiter was able to settle the conflict, and Yugoslavia ultimately ended in the division of the country into four separate nations: Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Slovenia. In this manner, then, realists assert that this was the ultimate failure of international organizations versus the self-interests of states. The liberal view on international organizations is that human beings will ultimately follow the ideals of right.Therefore, they follow international law because it is morally just to do so. In the liberal mind, all states will benefit from doing what is right and moral, and international organizations represent t he ultimate culmination of this goal of international cooperation. States have general expectations about other states’ behavior (Mingst 190). In a system of mutual cooperation and respect, liberals argue, the system of international law will succeed. They do agree with the realists on one point: the system only works if powerful states become involved.A request for aid or a diplomatic protest from a small or weak nation will most likely be ignored unless the vulnerable nation has a powerful ally. On the plus side of this argument, this type of international hegemony is precisely why treaty organizations and international courts function so well—they keep the large powers in check while protecting the interests of the smaller states. Thus it befits all nations to cooperate on an international level. The United States is not the only party to blame, however. The only nations who seem to take the U. N.completely seriously are the ones who have the least power to affect c hange. The United Nations needs to act more quickly and definitively and not leave the burden of responsibility on the U. S. While our role as the defenders of freedom is one which we have embraced readily in the past, it is not viable for the future. The U. N. and the WTO need to impose harsher penalties for those nations that fail to meet international laws, and the ICC needs more power to punish wrongdoers. In short, we need to stop being an anarchic collection of deviant nations and come together to fight for humanity.This solution sounds simplistic, and is one which we may never realize within our lifetime. It is not an impossible solution, however. The EU was a pipe dream for years. Many of the European nations had resentments and issues that dated back for hundreds of years. What we and the international organizations can do is this: we can find a sustainable global economy and we can find viable solutions to issues that concern all of us. We can review the U. N. Charter and eliminate all outdated and useless language.If this does not work, perhaps forming a new organization might be the key. We could take responsibility for nuclear weapons and finally make a definitive decision concerning their use and misuse. The easiest way to maintain global stability from terrorism would be to create a permanent U. N. army, with all nations represented. The U. N. would then have the military might to go beyond its peacekeeping duties but would be able to stop conflicts before they escalated. Ratification and acknowledgement of the ICC would also be a positive change (simpol. org).If all nations knew that tyrants and terrorists would be punished accordingly and brought to justice it might eliminate the temptation to hide these criminals. John Bunzi of the International Simultaneous Policy Organization believes that these solutions are possible. As he writes, â€Å"The Simultaneous Policy is a peaceful political strategy to democratically drive all the world’ s nations to apply global solutions to global problems, including combating global warming and environmental destruction, regulating economic globalization for the good of all, and delivering social justice, peace and security, and sustainable prosperity† ( The relevance to me as the reviewer is that the article allows me to infer my own ideas of human performance and how it can relate to my own business practices. The vacuum system is used too often in organizations and the needs and dilemmas of certain business training, and practices comes into full view as felonious when I read the article. In the article, it mentions that there are positive and negative consequences in the feedback level. If a worker is performing at the top of his or her ability then the company’s response is more work, which they conclude is a positive feedback.Instead of continual delivery of on-time projects, because the worker is being laden with work they stop performing so well b ecause they see that their co-workers are getting paid the same amount as them, but without the extra work. So, the dilemma is that the organization might view certain types of feedback as positive while the worker sees it as negative and thus the feedback affects the performance of their work. I have seen this played out many times in my own business relationships.It shows me that a clear line of communication in the human performance system is integral to the performance of the entire organization. Without clear communication the faults in an organization remain unaddressed in certain training programs and as the authors state, the company does not always know what is ‘broken’, to what extent, what area is at fault (human performance? ), how the performance is lacking in output, and what activity is causing the deficiency. Each of these areas, in my experience, is typically ignored in the business world.No one wants to be assigned blame; so general maneuvers such as t raining programs are instilled as answers to what is wrong, when in fact what is wrong might not even be known. To further examine the tenacity of the aforementioned groups that provided succor to Bosnia certain questions should be research. The first question that needs to be asked is the cons of having an organization come into a country without having full knowledge of the situation; in the case of Bosnia however it was with the media that the world became aware of the genocide and thus, under the strict rules of advocating for human rights, the United States had to step in.In some instances, the predicted behavior or reaction an institute exhibits in a chaotic environment isn’t calculable; this is witnessed repeatedly in the Bosnia conflict as no one organization stepped into the situation of Bosnia until after genocide and after destruction; the political world knew what was about to occur in this realm of the disintegrating Yugoslavian countryside, no political party or nation took responsibility and helped Bosnia. The human capacity for enduring extreme environments is astounding.In the case of Bosnia however, a far less serious outcome may be become of the situation had prescience been used. Even if every level of organization is cooperative to the output deliverance of the institute, the reliance of that output depends on the human element, and that element must not be regarded as capable of extreme high performance of extreme low performance. Thus, when Bosnia effectively asked for help from Europe and the United States they did not expect either to say ‘no’.Questions that should also be raised alongside the general ones presented in this paper in regards to the way in which national organizations have decided to deal with the Bosnia conflict are the benefits the people receive after being released from refugee camps or concentration camps: where will the people go? Who will help them? Each of these questions is relevant when cons idering human endurance in any capacity. The lack of, or the involvement of, these questions can deter a person from achieving their home or even of a company of maintaining in the person the belief that aid came when there was some to offer.In human performance, though the macrocosm is important, there should also be a high degree of microcosm involved in the international environment if the question is about raising acknowledgment in all levels of political policies, and maintaining that performance. Research at this level should yield supporting data to human endurance and further state the fallacy in the vacuum system where communications are lost such as when does Bosnia need help, should they be helped, etc.?Institutions such as NATO and the UN do not work to their highest quality in a vacuum. A vacuum isolates the institute from the people who need their help. In a vacuum setting the assumption of progress being made is linked to training input without any direction to what i s fundamentally wrong with performance. If the organization doesn’t know what is wrong and tries to fix it, then nothing seriously is being accomplished. Also, if the international organization does have a downfall, then to what extent is that downfall hindering performance?An alternative to this vacuum procedure of dealing with pitfalls in the international environment is to view country in need of aid as a priority. There are five points in the performance system when it comes to international politics and state agendas, they are: the institute, input, output, consequence, and feedback. At each level there is an interdependent relationship that allows for a well performing organization. Since the relationships are dependent on each other for high performance the organization must be adaptive.In this adaptive system there are three levels: organization level, process level, and the individual level. To improve an organization and to steer clear from the vacuum effect, an org anization must consider that within the society these levels, and improving performance, depend on whether or not on each level’s problems are being addressed and this begins with the question, it what ways have the international organizations failed? The main strength of the international organization lies in its ability to dissect and expound the idea of fast performance when a country is in need of such swiftness.The organizations, especially the UN exude well thought out plans and deliver the idea of human rights being their number one priority as can be witnessed in their involvement with Bosnia during the crisis years. There are six variables by which the UN, NATO, etc must measure themselves, they are; performance specifications, task interference, consequences, feedback, knowledge/skill, and individual capacity. In this system these points make for a higher quality performance.Another strength of the UN is that it doesn’t parlay the fault of lack of succor on a ny one country entirely but instead they focus on the positive and try and enlist help from other countries instead of bribing other countries, but allows for fault in all parts of the hierarchy in social concern. Both performers and how the UN addresses weakness in the input/output system should be under scrutiny, because the weakness must be dealt with in all parts of the hierarchy in order for the UN to be successful. ConclusionIt may be surmised that Bosnia, though perhaps unavoidable could have been handled in a better international capacity, as such the genocide that was endured could have been side stepped. In fact, the new initial facts that the UN should support itself in political and international quarry as stated above should, chiefly among the idea of working towards stronger and better human rights, include the cooperation of other countries in its venture. The purpose of such an organization is to ensure that something like the genocide in Bosnia is not repeated.Work Cited Cox, Marcus. The Right to Return Home: International Intervention and the Ethnic Cleansing In Bosnia and Herzegovina. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 599-631. July 1998. Gutman, Roy. A Witness to Genocide. Macmillan Publishing Company. New York. 1993. Lieber, Robert J. : The Eagle Adrift: American Foreign Policy at the End of the Century. Glenview, Ill. Scott, Foresman, 1998. Mingst, Karen A. Essential Readings in World Politics. New York, NY. WW Norton & Company, 2004.Mingst, Karen A. Essentials of International Relations. New York, NY. WW Norton & Company, 2004. Reiff, David. Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West. Simon & Schuster. New York. 1995. Slack, Andrew and Roy R. Doyon. Population Dynamics and Susceptibility for Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 139-161. March 2001. Walt, Stephen M. International Relations: One World, Many Theories. Foreign Policy, Iss . 110. Pg. 29-45. Spring, 1998. www. simpol. org

Friday, September 27, 2019

Environmental Issue Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Issue Project - Essay Example These greenhouse gases are the major air pollutants which are not only polluting the air, but also causing the atmospheric temperature to rise.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this industrial age of human civilization, human activities are increasing the natural levels of those gases, by emitting carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels such coal, oil, and natural gas; methane and nitrous oxide produced by agricultural activities and changes in the use land use; and by some industrial gases that do not occur naturally but are long lived in the atmosphere. If emissions continue to grow at the present levels, the concentration of carbon dioxide will double those from pre-industrial levels during this century. Hence, to save this planet, the time has come to take appropriate measures for controlling air pollution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Under such increasing problem of air pollution, the time has come to seriously think of this issue and take some vital steps to solve the problem of air pollution and its negative impacts. However, the major problem that arises while planning any solution measure of this problem is that the issue of air pollution is not a problem of any individual country. It’s a global problem as in this industrial age all the countries are suffering from this problem. Hence, this environmental problem can not be solved by any single country. Every country needs to be involved in the measures of controlling air pollution. Several international agencies, like United Nation, European Union, etc. have been making several efforts to control air pollution. Realizing the extent of potential dangers from air pollution lying in near future if the issue is left unaddressed; almost all the countries across the world have become quite conscious regarding the issue of air polluti on and have agreed to cooperate with each other in the process of controlling it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In an effort to obtain a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deductive Technology ( Project Plan) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Deductive Technology ( Project Plan) - Essay Example ld help them to understand the cause-effect relationship between different incidents and would also enable them to become familiar with numerical figures. The company wants to expand its presence across US, which has been estimated to have a market size of nearly six times than the UK market. As per the estimations of the company, the US market is estimated to offer a much greater growth potential than its UK counterpart. Though the company has set up a subsidiary unit in US, but it wants to tap the entire demand of the market. Moreover, the company is also eager to penetrate into the smaller markets like Canada and Australia. This makes it essential for the company to upgrade its technology processes and also the existing resources available. To meet the challenges of expansion, the company has identified the need of corporate restructuring and an absolute necessity of integrating the various facets of its operational processes. As per the management, in order to meet its underlined growth objectives in terms of sales, the company needs to bring about significant developments in its processes. The company had decided to strengthen it s marketing operations and integrate the various business operations so that they would be able to easily foray into any international market. As a project manager, it is important to adopt strategies by which an overall integration of the different functional operations of the company with the help of developed software tools is achieved as that would help the organization to strengthen its marketing strategy, which is vital for the adoption of an aggressive growth strategy. Such a strong marketing network would enable the company to procure more orders and meet the deadlines. This would enable the company to gain access to more projects which in turn would steer the company’s growth. The company wants to adopt a business reengineering process to bring about an overall corporate restructuring. This is necessary as that would help

MY MAJOR (Architecture) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MY MAJOR (Architecture) - Essay Example responds in some measure to some external or prevailing cultural climates when making their designs, hence overtime it has emerged that architecture is a cultural artifact reflecting the nature of that culture.(Fawcett, 1998) Over the years since Vitruvius writing at the time of the founding of the Roman Empire, Ii has been recognized that an appreciation of the role of architecture is essential to the understanding of the art of architecture itself. Vitruvius in his time identified that there are three basic important components of architecture as firmitas, utilitas and venustas. These three words were later described by Sir Henry Wooton in the seventeenth century to mean firmness, commodity and delight respectively (MacDonald, 1994) Commodity is in the Vitruvian qualities referred to the practical functioning of the building structure. It means the practical functioning of the building will require that the spaces provided for in the structure is actually of use and serves the purpose for which the building was built. Firmness is the most basic quality. It encompasses the buildings ability to preserve a high physical integrity and survive in the world as a physical object. The part of the building involved mostly in firmness is its structure, without structure there is no building and hence no commodity. The final quality is delight, this simply referrers to the beauty of the structure including the beauty of the external environment and the interior design. In order to appreciate fully the qualities of the work of the architecture, the observer or critique should at least know something on its structural makeup. (MacDonald, 1994) The architect as a person should be well conversant with the various disciplines of life; he or she should be well equipped with the numerous branches and the varied kinds of learning, for it is through his or her judgments that all the works of art is put to test (Morgan, 2014). This knowledge then becomes the ‘child’ of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) AS A DESIGN TOOL - Essay Example of the â€Å"command and control† approach which is based on a state-centred perception and environmental protection is thus of a top-down management scheme (Watson, 2003). For example, government regulatory bodies establish a set of environmental standards which polluting industries must conform to; failure to comply with the said standards result to prosecution. While it is indeed necessary, such regulations are drawn back by several limitation, typical of which are the oftentimes insufficient resources – both human and financial – of the implementing bodies resulting to the reported inefficiency of the said practice. As well as that, state-centred visions do not foresee the complexity of issues on the ground and the top-down management scheme usually fails to address the environmental concerns of the public. Environmental impact assessment was seen to be the answer to the limitations of the â€Å"command and control† approach of traditional regulations. According to the Environmental Impact Assessment: a Guide to Procedures provided by the Department for Communities and Local Government (2006), EIA â€Å"describes a procedure that must be followed for certain types of project before they can be given development consent. The procedure is a means of drawing together, in a systematic way, an assessment of a projects likely significant environmental effects†. Given this definition, EIAs are envisaged to give weight to environmental considerations during the decision-making process along with economic and social factors. The objectives of EIA are divided into short term and long term categories (Abaza et al, 2007). In the short term, the goal of EIA is to identify potentially significant environmental impacts of development projects in order to provide sufficient information to facilitate decision-making process. In the long term, the ultimate goal of EIA is to ensure that ecological functions are maintained for the benefit of present and future local

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

English - Essay Example The rapid rate that our sea levels have been raising at has given many countries the dangers as it could wipe them off the world map that we know today, like the Caribbean. The people of the Caribbean have been trying to fight this problem over many years and scientists say by the year 2100, the Caribbean will no longer be a part of the world map. I think it will be the next atlantes this raising sea levels will also affect and scare many other countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh as they are very close to the sea levels and may also be joining the Caribbean. Also these raising sea levels have been causing tsunamis and other natural disasters due to the changing climate and sea levels. Global warming has many effects; one of these major effects is the Ozone hole which has many effects that have slowly been destroying our planet without our knowing, but thanks to the advanced technology of today, we have been able to notice theses problems and effects but it is too late, this Ozone hole especially affected Antarctica as the ice is melting which increased the sea levels affecting many countries and leading to their destruction. The increase in the climate has lead to the death of many penguins and their existence is linked to the polar bears. We have been destroying their homes and we might be the reason for their extinction, if we keep walking the path that we are walking today. Moreover, the organisms living in Antarctica have also been dying rapidly due to the fast climate change. Not only that but the effects of global warming have increased the rates of diseases especially skin cancer due to the UV rays from the sun as the Ozone hole is widening and as it is the only protection for us from these harmful rays which are bouncing back a large percentage of these rays, however it no longer exists in some areas of the world and is thinning at other areas. Pollution has been increasing over the years, especially the air pollution form cars, fac tories and green houses due to CO2 emissions which has many effects on people especially the new born and the elderly. Asthma has been rapidly increasing among us and we are starting to see it as a normal illness but indeed this is a man-made illness due to the air pollution that we have created which is affecting our children and the people at large. In conclusion, air pollution is raising the sea levels and the hole in our Ozone layer is a problem that we have created. The dying animals and the melting ice in Antarctica are the effects of the problem that we have created as we are killing the big blue inch by inch everyday and we are killing ourself as well. I ask everyone who reads this paper to please stop killing our planet and at least try to reduce the pollution in some

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sherlock hectives of holmes is a better detective then piorot and Essay

Sherlock hectives of holmes is a better detective then piorot and spade other detectives of his times - Essay Example Hercule Poirot was a Belgian detective who appeared in Agatha Christie’s novel Murder on the Orient Express to investigate the murder of a gangster named Ratchet or Cassetti. The case seems to be very confusing as some obscure clues are found during the investigation. The victim, Cassetti had previously murdered three members of the Armstrong family and their worker. As the case progresses some shocking things reveal which seem to involve thirteen of the passengers including the conductor in the murder of Cassetti. Poirot however does not inform the police about those guilty as he feels that they are justified. Samuel Spade, more commonly known as Sam Spade, appeared in The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett who was consulted by Miss Wonderly to follow Floyd Thursby who is later murdered shortly after Sam Spade’s partner, Miles Archer. It is then revealed that Miss Wonderly lied to Sam Spade and is found to have been guilty for the murders along with other players who a re trying to acquire the Maltese falcon. All the detectives differ in the style in which they approach the investigation and various cases however Sherlock Holmes of all seems to have a far more organized and scientific method of analyzing clues (Ginzburg and Davin, 6-7). Sherlock Holmes seems to have great observation and this is illustrated in A scandal in Bohemia when Holmes tells all the details about Dr. Watson when they meet (Doyle, A Scandal in Bohemia, 3). Holmes accurately identifies how Dr. Watson wanted to be a practicing doctor but could not due to the wound he got during his participation in the Afghan war. Also, that Dr. Watson got himself wet and that his servant girl does not do her work well. Holmes seems quite shocked as this true but he does not understand how Holmes was able to tell because he changed his clothes after the walk in the country (Doyle, A Scandal in Bohemia, 3). In The Red Headed League as well, Holmes demonstrates an excellent observation as he cor rectly identifies that Mr. Wilson was a laborer, takes tobacco, is a freemason, etc (Doyle, The Read Headed League, 3). He also deduces some important details from the hat in The Blue Carbuncle (Doyle, The Blue Carbuncle, 9). Holmes cleverly observed the minor details of cases so as to efficiently analyze clues to determine meaningful answers to the crimes. This method of noticing minor details was developed by Giovanni Morelli in art history (Ginzburg and Davin, 7). Hercule Poirot seems to be a very competent detective as he effectively speculates the clues so as to determine all the players in the murder of Cassetti. Poirot often has to interview the witnesses in order to gather information and does not rely much on observation of evidences and clues (Christie, 41). Sam Spade, on the other hand, does demonstrate critical thinking which helps him resolve the case regarding the murder of Archer and Thursby however he does not reflect superb observation skills in terms of clues (Hamm ett, 115). While every detective correctly investigated the cases which they are consulted to solve, there are some major differences in the style of investigation among the various detectives. Sherlock Homes presents a very effective method of information collection and evidence interpretation using an excellent observation. At many instances Dr. Watson seems to be surprised at Holmes’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Australian Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Australian Stereotypes Essay Stereotyping the Australians has always been a common practice by people all around the world. In fact, Australia has been classified as one of the most stereotyped nations in the world due to the sense that much of the international community believes that they have a solid understanding regarding Australian society, despite the fact that their beliefs bear little similarities to the realities of Australian life in the 21st Century. Australia is a complex nation that is riddled with assumptions that are downright false, and sometimes ridiculous. There’s no denying it – as soon the word ‘Australia’ is out, our mind automatically paints a certain glossy picture. For starters, people have assumed that the Australians love to barbecue all the time. Now, while everyone loves a scrumptious and moist barbecued chicken, who in the world would have the time (or patience) to spend the whole morning barbecuing steaks and chicken just to provide a simple breakfast, and repeat the tedious process again for lunch and dinner every single day? The baneful clean-up process and charcoal stains are simply enough to test my patience. However, people in the nationwide has evoke countless of preconceptions that the Aussies are found to be a bunch of barbecue-addicted people, much to the annoyance of the Australians. The real question is ; how did this Australian stereotype become so viral? Australia itself is culpable. Tourism Australia has tried to boost their tourism industries by commercializing Australians with a fresh and rejuvenating look such as the stereotypical â€Å"beach and bimbos† image popularised in the 1980s. However, the portrayal that Aussies loves hang out at the beach every day and ‘put another shrimp on the barbecue’ (or barbie, in the Australian slang) apparently bears a scanty resemblance with the reality. Nick Bryant, a Sydney correspondent also suggested that the popularity of television programs such as Neighbours and Home and Away only rendered the British public to carry a superficial perception of Australia that is not representative of the majority of the nation. Throw another shrimp on the barbie was a 1980s tourism slogan by Paul Hogan which remains as one of the most recognisable quotes associated with Australia within the international community. Another popular Australian stereotype is being belligerent drunkards. People have always assumed that the cities of Australia are full of drunken people, empty scotch bottles and foul alcohol stenches. However, if you happen to walk at the streets of Melbourne, you will realize that it is just like any conventional city, bustling with working ladies and man as opposed to the stereotypical view. Studies have also proved that the country only ranks 44th in terms of global alcohol consumption as opposed to the 17th ranking of the UK. In a nutshell, some of the stereotypical views on Australians are proved to be untrue although some parts of them that are quite true. Stereotypes can be hard to avoid, so my advice is DO NOT always believe what you hear! Many things are always not what they are seemed to be so always do a little research first before ascertaining its validity.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Eye diseases

Eye diseases 1. Introduction 1.1 Glaucoma Eye disease such as glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are some of the common causes of reduced vision and blindness (Short, 2008). Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease where the damage of optic nerves resulted in visual field loss. In the year of 2010, it is estimated that 60.5 million people will be diagnosed with glaucoma, and by 2020, the number would be increased to 79.6 million (Quigley and Broman, 2005). According to International Glaucoma Association, some of the risk factors that contribute to the development of glaucoma are advanced age, race, long or short sighted, and genetic predisposition. Damage of the optic nerves in glaucoma is often due to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) which occurs when there is an imbalance of aqueous humor production and drainage in the eye. This clear fluid produced by the ciliary body flows into the posterior chamber and exit through trabecular meshwork at the open angle where the cornea and iri s meet (1). Blocked drainage channel restricts the flow of aqueous humor out of the anterior chamber. This causes the pressure in eye to be increased to an abnormal level, thus damaging the optic nerves. Optic nerve plays an important role in transmitting impulses from the light sensitive tissue layer, the retina to the brain, where the visual information is interpreted. Therefore, early detection and treatment could prevent permanent and irreversible blindness from glaucoma. There are several classifications of glaucoma, the most common types are primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG). The difference between these two types is the present of physical obstruction in the drainage channel in one and its absence in the other. As for the former type, an increase in IOP is caused by blockage of the drainage channel where the aqueous humor drains out (1) (Coleman,1999). This process occurs very gradually and often patient does not notice any early signs of sight loss such as blind spots, or patches of vision loss until severe damaged has been done to the optic nerves, thus causing blindness. Different ethnic group was shown to have different glaucoma prevalence. The African population was shown to be more prevalent to suffer from POAG in the study demonstrated by Ntim-Amponsah et al. (2004). The standardised age-specific glaucoma prevalence for that ethic group was 7.7% while the Caucasians have an overall lower prevalence than that. It was suggested by Herndon et al. (2004) that the blacks have an overall thinner central corneal compared to the Caucasians and this might contribute to the progression of POAG. As explained by Coleman (1999), in primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG), the angle between the iris and lens is very narrow. When the iris dilates, the iris-lens contact prevents the flow of aqueous humor into the anterior chamber. The continuous secretion of aqueous humor creates a pressure which pushes the iris forward onto the trabecular meshwork, closing the angle (1). This rapid onset causes sudden build-up of intraocular pressure leading to short-term loss of vision. Severe eye pain, blurred vision, headache, nausea, vomiting and halos around lights are among the symptoms observed in this eye disease. Asian was shown to have a higher prevalence of PACG compared to the Western population. Some of the studies concluded that Chinese are at a higher risk of suffering from PACG. This is related to the geometry of the anterior chamber where Chinese has a smaller corneal or a shallower anterior chamber, thus implying that there is a higher risk of developing angle closure and therefo re PACG (Wang et al., 2002). 1.2 Pharmacological therapy of glaucoma The goal in treating glaucoma is to delay the progression by giving immediate therapy for early stage glaucoma patient to prevent further loss of vision. Treatment aims to reduce IOP by either increasing the aqueous humor drainage or reducing the aqueous humor secretion rate. Several classes of drugs are used in the treatment of glaucoma, namely beta-adrenergic antagonists (beta-blockers), selective alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and prostaglandin analogues. The choice of treatment depends on the effectiveness and side-effects of the drug, co-mobility and cost of treatment. Beta-blockers are one for the first line drug used in treatment of glaucoma but newer medications are increasingly being used as first choice of glaucoma therapy. The exact mechanism of beta-blocker in reducing IOP is not known, but it was suggested that beta-blocker reduces the aqueous humor production by blocking the beta2-receptor on the non-ciliary body epithelium. On average, no n-selective beta-blockers such as timolol, levobunolol, carteolol and metipranolol lower the IOP by 20-35% while beta1-receptor antagonist, betaxolol lowers it by 15-25%. However, when the pharmacological therapy is unsuccessful, laser or surgery are required to treat this eye disease (Soltau and Zimmerman, 2002). The most widely used ocular hypotensive agent is the non-selective beta-blocker, timolol. Timolol is often used as an adjunct therapy to other difference classes of IOP-lowering agents such as brimonidine, travoprost and acetazolamide. In one of the studies, combination therapy of latanoprost and timolol was proved to be more effective in lowering IOP compared to using lataoprost alone in glaucoma treatment (Olander K, 2004). The maleate salt of timolol is soluble in water and alcohol, and has a pKa of approximately 9 in water at 25Â °C. The current commercially available opthalmic therapies of timolol are timolol maleate topical opthalmic solution and gel-forming ophthalmic solution. Some of the local side effects of topical application of timolol include ocular irritation, burning, pain, itching, erythema and dry eyes. Beta-blocker is contra-indicated in patients who have bronchial asthma, history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sinus bradycardia, heart block, or uncontr olled heart failure. In some cases, exacerbation of reactive airways disease and cardiovascular disease due to the systemic absorption of the non-selective beta-blocker has been reported occasionally in patients receiving topical timolol therapy (McEvoy G K, 2002). After long-term usage of timolol, tolerance might develop in some patients. This has been suggested that there is an up-regulation of beta-receptors in target cells in response to constant exposure of antagonist at the beta-receptors (Fechtner, 2008). 1.3 Drug delivery in treatment of glaucoma There are several approaches in delivering intraocular drugs, among them are topical application, systemic administration, intraocular implants and intravitreal injections. Each of these routes has its own advantages and challenges (Short, 2008). Topical administration is the most widely used route for drug delivery in treating eye diseases. The major challenge of this application to the posterior ocular tissues is poor drug bioavailability resulted from the ocular physiological and anatomical constraints, which include tear fluid turnover rate, nasolacrimal drainage and high efficiency of blood-ocular barrier. It was shown that only 1-5% of the topically applied drugs is absorbed across the cornea and reaches the target intraocular tissues. Furthermore, nasolacrimal drainage contributes to extensive precorneal losses that lead to poor bioavailability. In addition, systemic exposure through nasolacrimal drainage will also cause significant systemic toxicity. Blood-ocular barrier whic h is located at the retinal pigmented epithelium and the endothelium of the retinal vessels is also a major challenge in delivering topical drugs to the target tissues. This barrier limits the penetration of intraocular drugs to the back of the eyes. Unfortunately, systemically administered drugs are also having the same problem in penetrating the barrier. Hence, alternative drug delivery strategies such as intravitreal injections have been investigated and developed to overcome this problem (Tombrain-Tink and Barnstable, 2006). Intravitreal injection is the administration of intraocular drugs to the vitreous cavity of the eye and this route is becoming increasingly popular in treating glaucoma patients. Due to short half-life of drugs in the vitreous, frequent and repeated injections to the eye are needed to maintain the drug concentration at therapeutic level in the vitreous and the retina. Consequently, this procedure leads to complication such as infection, vitreous hemorrhage, and lens or retinal injury. Sustained release formulation has been developed and possible benefits of particulate drug delivery has been investigated and studied to overcome such complications. The particulate drug delivery systems include microparticles and nanoparticles such as liposome, microcapsule, nanocapsules, microspheres and nanospheres. Liposomes, microcapsules and nanocapsules allow encapsulation of the drug molecules while in microspheres and nanospheres, drugs are dispersed in a spherical polymer matrix. These particu lates act as a reservoir to control the release rate during periods of days and sometime even months (Short, 2008; Tombrain-Tink and Barnstable, 2006). 1.4 Microspheres Microspheres of biodegradable polymers such as poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) are a combination of drug and polymer. PLGA-based microspheres have several advantages over other controlled released drug delivery system. The administration of these microspheres to the body only requires syringes and needles, thus avoiding surgical implants of controlled-release formulations. Besides that, these PLGA are biodegradable and are biocompatible to the tissues, including the brain tissues (Fournier, 2003). Three microencapsulation techniques are being employed in producing PLGA microspheres these days. Solvent evaporation and solvent extraction process is one of the method which includes single emulsion process and double emulsion process. The former process involves oil-in-water emulsification and latter is the most commonly used water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) method used to encapsulate water-soluble drugs such as timolol maleate into microspheres. Final emulsions from both processes wi ll undergo solvent removal by extraction or evaporation. The solid microspheres that are produced from these processes will then be filtered or sieved, and finally dried. This technique is widely used because it is easy and does not involve complicated steps. Other methods such as phase separation and spray drying are also being used to encapsulate microspheres. The disadvantage of phase separation is that it needs a careful optimisation of some parameters, such as solvent and polymer type, salt type and concentration in order to obtain any microspheres at all. On the other hand, the limitation of spray drying is that small batches of drug are produced due to loss of product during spray-drying (Jain, 2000). PLGA, a copolymer of lactic acids and glycolic acids is commonly used in the production of controlled-release biomedical devices such as microparticles and nanoparticles. Incorporation of the active substance in polymer matrix allows drug to be released at a slower rate over a prolonged period, thus reducing the frequency of drug administration and hence improving patients compliance. The main target of controlled-release drug delivery is to produce a zero-order release pattern, but this was not achieved very often. Some of the small molecules are associated with undesirable initial burst phase during where drugs on the microsphere surface are being released through rapid diffusion, followed by a slow release or no release. During the initial burst phase, excessive release of potent drugs from the polymer for a prolonged time causes severe side effects. However, during the second phase, only a small fraction of drug will be released from the matrix due to decreased driving force in d rug depletion (Berkland et al., 2002). In the study conducted by Mao et al. (2007), the effect of different preparation of water-in-oil-in water emulsion on the burst release of fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled dextran from the PLGA microspheres was being investigated. It was found that an increase in drug loading, polyvinyl alcohol concentration and homogenisation speed resulted in a decrease in initial burst. This is due the changes in morphology of the by using different preparation techniques. The main mechanism of drug release from microsphere can be divided to two processes, which are drug diffusion from the polymer network and drug release through polymer degradation. Once PLGA is administered to the eyes, water fills into the network of pore by a negative water gradient and the active compound subsequently diffuses out of the co-polymer. However, this gradient will disappear gradually within a period time and thus the drug molecules are released at a slower rate at a later stage. This process is often coupled with the breakage of ester bonds of the polymer by hydrolysis and it can also be autocatalysed by the accumulation of acidic degradation products and hence leading degradation of PLGA-based microsphere. During this process, oligomers at the surface of microsphere escape from the matrix, leaving behind those who are entrapped inside the matrix core. Size of microsphere plays a very important role in manipulating the rate of degradation. In one of the study, it was shown that larger particle size will degrade more rapidly. This is due to the inner core of the polymer is more acidic compared to its external environment (Grizzi et al. ,1995) Effect of several factors such as polymer composition and preparation condition on the drug release patterns were being investigated by several studies. It has been demonstrated by Janoria and Mitra (2007) that different lactide/glycolide ratio resulted in different release rate of a lipophilic prodrug (GCV-monobutyrate) from PLGA-based microsphere. PLGA with higher lactide content (65:35) was found to have higher glass transition temperature than lower lactide content (50:50) of PLGA polymer. This was suggested that the former ratio had slower drug diffusion through the polymer matrix, hence longer releasing time. On the other hand, an addition of surfactants, polyvinyl alcohol or Triton X-100 to the primary emulsion obtained from the double emulsion solvent evaporation technique resulted in the production of larger particle size, thus slower releasing rate was observed (Bouissou et al., 2006). Besides that, inclusion of additives in the formulation will also affect the release prof ile of microspheres. Kang F R and Singh J (2001) found out that the addition of PEG 1000 and tricaprin increased the porosity of the PLGA, thus changing its surface characteristics. This has lead to a higher initial releasing rate of bovine serum albumin due to rapid diffusion of the protein through the large pores on the surface of microspheres. Different preparation methods effect the morphology and drug distribution of microspheres. A change in the process condition will yield different size distribution and porosity of the microsphere. Some of the critical parameters of determining the microparticles morphology are volume ratio of oil to internal water, homogenisation speed and type of solvents used. Surface morphology of microspheres is shown to be influenced by the volume ratio of oil to internal water in a research conducted by Yang et al. (2000). An increase in size and initial burst of the microspheres was observed by decreasing the volume ratio from 40:1 to 12:1. More porous microparticles were also observed in lower volume ratio. Homogenisation speed was also proved to be important in determining the morphology of microparticles by Sansdrap and Moes (1993). When homogenisation speed was increased, the microparticulate was found to be smaller. Similarly, different organic phase solvent was proved to produce differen t size distribution of particles. Song et al. (2006) showed that partially water-soluble solvents such as ethyl acetate and propylene carbonate produced smaller mean particle size compared to the fully water-soluble solvents, acetone and dichloromethane. Since there are limited studies based on the effect of method parameters on the morphology and drug release profile of timolol maleate encapsulated microsphere, this study aimed to further investigate the effect of volume ratio of oil to internal water, homogenisation speed and type of solvents used. Timolol maleate is encapsulated in PLGA by double-emulsion solvent evaporation method. The surface morphology and particle sizes of the microspheres were being studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). On the other hand, the effect on the drug release profile was determined by analysing the released drug sample from the microspheres using ultraviolet spectrophotometer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Polymers and plastics in biomedical applications

Polymers and plastics in biomedical applications Introduction Polymers are increasingly being used to fabricate biomedical materials for tissue engineering and wound treatment applications, as well as for drug delivery. For tissue engineering and wound treatment applications, the mechanical properties of the polymeric material have to be matched to the specific application. An example of tissue engineering is the use of bioresorbable polymeric orthopedic materials for bone regeneration applications. The degradable material supports the growth and adhesion of new bone cells (chondrocytes) and is porous so as to provide a large, continuous surface for cell proliferation throughout the matrix. The degradable material serves to maintain mechanical integrity while the bone heals itself. The materials are designed to degrade in a time suitable for the particular application, but may be on the order of six months to twenty-four months. An example of an external wound treatment application is artificial skin, where the polymeric material provides protection as new growth develops. Other materials are used internally to separate organs after surgical procedures. In tissue engineering and wound treatment applications the mechanical properties of the materials have to meet requirements specific to the application. In this experiment you will determine how the tensile properties of films of plasticized biopolymers depend on the chemical formulation of the material. Such applications are based on the polymer materials being degradable as well as biocompatible. Other applications might require materials that are biocompatible and nondegradable, such as long-term polyethylene implants. Polymers Polymers can be synthetic or biological. Synthetic polymers are almost always made from nonrenewable fossil feedstocks, mainly petroleum. Examples are polyethylene, polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride), and polypropylene, all of which are polyolefins. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) [PET] is a synthetic polyester. None of the above-named polymers are degradable, the main reason being that the polymer backbones contain only carbon-carbon single bonds. Examples of biodegradable polymers derived from petroleum are poly(vinyl alcohol) [a polyalcohol], poly(ethylene glycol)[a polyether], and the polyesters polycaprolactone and poly(glycolic acid). Polymers with heteroatoms in their backbones are generally biodegradable, although there are exceptions. Biological polymers (biopolymers) are found in nature; they are intrinsically biodegradable. Abundant biopolymers include plant polysaccharides such as starch (composed of amylose and amylopectin), cellulose, agarose, and carrageenan, and animal polysaccharides such as chitin and the glycosaminoglycans. Abundant proteins include gelatin(denatured/hydrolyzed collagen), casein, keratin, and fibroin. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is an example of a synthetic commercial polymer in which the monomer, lactic acid, is produced in large amounts through fermentation; the polymer is then synthesized by conventional methods. PLA is biodegradable. Mechanical Properties In implant and wound healing applications, the mechanical properties of the materials are of critical importance. In this experiment you will carry out tensile tests—tests in which specimens are placed between two clamps (grips) and drawn. The instrument measures and displays the force being applied (the load) and the resulting increase in the length of the sample (elongation, also called extension). From the dimensions of the film specimen (width and thickness), the instrument software calculates and displays the tensile stress (ï  ³), equal to the load (F) per unit area of cross section (A = width x thickness). It also calculates the (tensile) strain (ï  ¥), equal to the elongation (extension) divided by the original length of that portion of the specimen being measured (called the gage length). [In our experiment, the gage length is simply the separation of the grips securing the specimen.] The instrument will display percent elongation, which is the strain multiplied by 100. As the tensile test proceeds, the instrument generates and displays a tensile stress-strain curve, which is a diagram that displays values of tensile stress (in MPa) plotted against tensile strain (%). The test continues until the specimen breaks. From the stress-strain curve, the software determines, and reports the following results in table form: (1) Tensile strength at break (or ultimate strength), which is the tensile stress at break. (2) Elongation at break, as a percentage. (3) Youngs modulus (also known as elastic modulus or modulus of elasticity or sometimes simply as modulus). It is calculated as the initial slope of the stress-strain curve, which is usually observed to be linear with plastic films. This initial region reflects the elastic deformation of the specimen, in which the stress varies linearly with strain, analogous to Hookes law for the expansion of a spring. Beyond the linear region, the behavior is termed viscous; polymers and plastics are said to be viscoelastic materials. Modulus is a measure of the stiffness of the polymer or plastic. Table 1. Typical tensile properties of materials Material t.s.(MPa) elong.(%) modulus(MPa) polyethylene, low density 10 620 166 polycaprolactone 26 600-1000 435 polypropylene 36 1380 poly(lactic acid), biaxially oriented film 110/145 160/100 3310/3860 keratin(human hair) 526 46 6700 copper, annealed 240 30 100,000-130,000 steel 380-700 200,000-250,000 glass 2160-4830 50,000-70,000 Encyclopedia of Chemistry, 4th ed.; Handbook of Physics, 2nd ed. Experimental Procedure 1. Film casting Prepare the following cast films of plasticized biopolymers. Sample 1 Place 32 mL of 2%(v/v) aqueous glycerol solution in a 200 mL beaker. Add 88 mL water and 2.40 g starch and 4.8 g agar. Heat with stirring to approximately 85-95  °C or until the polymer is in solution; do not boil. Slowly pour the solution into the big petri dish on a flat level surface. Try to remove all imperfections (bubbles) from the surface. Sample 2. Repeat using 32 mL glycerol solution, 88 mL water, and 1.20 g starch and 3.6 g agar. Sample 3. Repeat using 48 mL glycerol solution, 72 mL water, and 1.20 g starch and 3.0 g agar. Sample 4. Repeat using 48 mL glycerol solution, 72 mL water, and 2.40 g starch and 3.5 g agar. Allow the solutions to set for approximately one hour then place the petri dish in the drying oven. Label all petri dishes. 2. Film conditioning After the agar films have been in the drying oven for about 24 hours, remove the petri dishes from the oven and place them in the large relative-humidity conditioning box (maintained at approximately 50% relative humidity) for 24-48 hours. 3. Preparing test specimens After conditioning, the films are ready to have test specimens prepared from them. Working with one sample at a time, remove the petri dish from the conditioning box. Slowly and carefully remove the film from the petri dish by first peeling one corner and then applying fairly equal pressure to the entire width of the film as it comes off the petri dish lengthwise. Place the sample on a piece of cardboard. Using the 1/4 wide aluminum template as a straight edge, and the cutting knife, cut a rectangle approximately 3.5 x 3 from the center of the film, so as not to include any edges, as they are often not as uniform in thickness as the center. Align the sample on the cardboard as follows: Place the 1/4 wide aluminum template vertically near one of the edges. Using the cutting tool, cut on both sides of the template to produce a specimen 3.5 long and 1/4 wide. Cut as cleanly as possible so as not to notch or tear the specimen. Cut six or seven additional strips, but do not use the second cut of the previous specimen as the first edge of the next; make two new cuts to produce each specimen. Place the cut specimens on a piece of filter paper and transfer them into the dessicator located next to the Instron instrument. Similarly prepare specimens from the other three film samples. 4. Measuring mechanical properties of test specimens During the laboratory you will measure the mechanical properties of the fours cast films. Measure at least five specimens for each of the four film samples. As you remove each specimen from the dessicator, you will be measuring the thickness of the specimen with a digital caliper. 5. Operating the Instron Testing Instrument Refer instrument manual. 6. Laboratory Report 1. Express the compositions of the four film samples in terms of the weight percent of each component to two significant figures (excluding water); i.e. % agar, % glycerol (the density of glycerol is 1.26) and, if present, % starch. 2. Prepare a summary table of results showing the mean values of tensile strength (Mpa) (to 3 sig. figs.) and its standard deviation, elongation (%) (to 2 sig. figs.) and its standard deviation, and elastic modulus (MPa) (to 3 sig.figs.) and its standard deviation. [ASTM specifies these numbers of significant figures; a smaller number of significant figures would otherwise be justified given the observed standard deviations.] 3. For the three agar-glycerol films what correlation do you observe between the effect of glycerol on one property and its effect on the others? Prepare a graph for each of the properties showing variation with composition. In Excel you can show a standard error for each point separately by using a separate data series for each point. Do not show a trend line and do not attempt to connect the data points.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Second Tradition of Thanksgiving Essay -- Essays Papers

When the great holiday of Thanksgiving comes to mind, most people think of becoming total gluttons and gorging themselves with a seemingly unending amount of food. Others might think of the time spent with family and friends. The whole basis of the holiday is family togetherness, fellowship, and thankfulness for blessings received during the previous year. Every family has their own unique way of spending time together with loved ones only seen during the holidays. In the Stock home, there is only one thing we enjoy doing. Sure, like every other family we have our grand and elaborate dinner, which is composed of all the greatest delicacies my mother and grandmother can whip up. Of course, as is expected, after stuffing ourselves as if this was our last meal the men in the family congregate in the living room. We sit and wait for our tradition to begin by discussing how each of our lives has been unfolding since last Thanksgiving. Finally, the moment arrives, kick off of the first of many Thanksgiving Day football games. There are thousands of fans who watch football with religious devotion. At the Stock house that is not the case. However on Thanksgiving, our eyes glaze over and we rise to the highest of football enthusiasts. Every man sitting around our big screen T.V. has his own team to cheer for, which usually causes many spirited discussions during the four quarters of testosterone induced insanity. As the game plays on we all grow further and further engrossed in watching. As the women talk in the kitchen and the children run around, sometimes even right in front of the television, our stares never stray from the glowing giver of joy. It might seem silly... ...nderstand and appreciate the games my dad and the rest of my male family members have been watching for years, I became that much closer with all of them. As John Madden said â€Å"The turkey brings the family together, but the football keeps them together† ( As a tradition Thanksgiving’s football watching extravaganza has become an occasion I have begun to look forward to for months. After spending this great tradition with my father and my family those geezers are looking a lot younger. Work Cited Stock, John, Personal Interview, 11-29-03, Friday, Nov. 21, ESPN, 11-21-03, Friday, Nov. 21, NFL Internet Network, 11-21-03, 2001, St. Clair Associates, 11-21-03, Nov. 21, 2001, Dezmin’s Archives and It’s Contributors, 11-21-03

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

stock market :: essays research papers

The Stock Market Crash   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1987, the DOW lost 500 points. This was a major occurrence and many countries worldwide were suffering the same thing. Even at that time there was a lot of concern when the DOW goes down that much, because the usual reaction is a depression. This however was not even close to the disastrous events that were eminent after the depression of 1929. As a matter of fact there are measures to make sure this sort of thing never happens again. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created after the depression to ensure this would not happen again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The crash had happened with many people who had seen it coming. But the business were making money at the time so they had much less concern. The stock market is a very interesting tool for business’s. Most capital in the United States was represented in stocks at the time. Capital is the tools needed to make things of value from basic raw material, such as a building or a machine. Owners of the corporations took stocks into the form of shares of stocks, which are essentially apart of the company. These stocks were then sold on the Stock Market. A lot of hope was riding on the stocks of many men. They had even borrowed to get the stocks. From 1920 to 1929 stocks nearly quadrupled in value. This shows how much faith a man must have had in a stock after it being worth so much. What made the market popular was the fact that you could go to a broker and purchase stock on margin. This made it so that they could buy them on credit and pay cash upfront for some of it. Now the economists knew about this and had been very worried seeing the frenzy for people playing the stock market. The Government also sort of knew what was happening but in a way decided to let things be for they might be held accountable if things were not going so well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first decent of The Crash was on October 24, 1929. On this day alone 12,894,650 exchanged hands. This on Wall Street was unheard of. On an average day 3,875,910 were exchanged and this was when the market was at a very high playing field. At the time many ordinary people were even getting a piece of the action.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bilingual Education Beneficial for Kinderkarten

Bilingual Education: Beneficial for Kindergarten to Catch it Young By M. H 7th December 2012 Abstract: Research has shown that bilingual education has positive effect on kindergarten children. The purpose of this research was to study the benefits of bilingual education, which further helped in recommending marketing campaign for the Canadian kindergarten school to increase enrolments. Several analyses were taken into account like â€Å"Simon Task† and core group task to understand the benefits. Study reveals that bilingual children perform better cognitive, analytical tasks and have better success rate than monolingual children.Keywords: Children, Bilingualism, Kindergarten, Cognitive, Bilingual, Education, Monolingual Page | 1 Introduction This report aims to address positive effects of bilingual education on young children and to provide recommendations to Canadian kindergarten school through marketing campaign to increase kindergarten student enrolment. Different research methodology taken into account in this report, which has been extracted from researches done by PhD students, professors, doctors and scientists to provide evidence on the benefits of learning in two languages.One of the approaches considered in this report was â€Å"Simon Task† conducted by Ioulia Kovelman and Ellen Bialystok, PhD student of York University, Canada. This provides empirical evidence that bilingual kids outperform cognitive tasks than monolingual flock. Moreover, Bilingual children are more creative, intellectual and have longer attention span. Findings 1. 1 Perform Cognitive Tasks Better Several researches were undertaken in the past 20 years; to prove bilingual children are superior to monolingual kids.In the recent past, Ioulia Kovelman and Ellen Bialystok, PhD student of York University, Canada evaluated children aged between 4-6 years. During their research, they made two core groups, one group was monolingual who were fluent in their native language . i. e. French or English and another; group was bilingual (with proficiency in both the languages, written and oral). The idea was to test cognitive ability of the core group for which â€Å"Simon Task† method was considered. It is a universal method practised by scientists to understand how human mind functions and performs certain tasks.The aim was to understand how kids respond to different colours and visuals. Hence, kids were asked to separate different shapes as per their colour and size, generated by computer which popped up from different sides of the screen. Results were surprising as bilingual children were more accurate than monolingual group. Study depicts that bilingual brain functions faster and has divergent thinking skills which allows brain to recognize and differentiate different objects at the same time. Therefore, bilingual children tend to be smarter than monolingual peers and perform cognitive tasks better. . 2 More Creative with Analytical Abilities A rese arch conducted by Dr Lauchlan in Scotland and Sardinia, Italy- 121 children under age of 9 were taken in a group with monolingual and bilingual abilities, and were asked to perform different mathematical, creative, linguistic and physical assignments. The emphasis was to evaluate how children respond to different tasks. The bilingual learner’s performance and intellectual capabilities were significantly higher i. e. (52%) than monolingual peers (48%) (Refer figure 1. 2) Page | 2Figure 1. 2 Pie chart adapted from data provided by Dr Strathclyde research. 1. 3 Greater Success Rate There has been sufficient evidence, which reveals that bilingualism is an asset, as it provides higher employment rates over monolingual person. As stated in 2006 Canadian census, knowledge of French and English provide more job opportunities as compared to knowledge of French or English alone. Refer to the following graph (figure 3. 3) Fi gure 3. 3 Page | 3 It is apparent from the graph that bilingua l people have higher job prospects.This is an era of globalization, where most of the organizations are multinational. Hence, organizations prefer to hire employees who are proficient in different languages and understand diverse cultures. 1. 4 Brain Development â€Å"Children who learn a second language before the age of five have been shown to have denser grey matter in their brains than their monolingual peers† (Dai, 2012). According to Cumming (2005) research shows brain has two prominent tissues visible to eyes known as white and grey matter. Source: Mechelli, A. Nature, October 2004; vol 431: p 757.In 2004 research conducted by Dr Mechelli and his team at University College, London, revealed similar results. During their research they evaluated brains of monolingual and bilingual people who were introduced to second language early in their life. One set of group started learning second language at the age of 2 and another people were introduced to new language at the ag e of 30. The study reveals, those who initiated learning second language early had better command and proficiency in second language. Furthermore, density of grey matter on the left side of their brain was higher. Grey matter is combination of â€Å"head† nerves functions for coordination and communication) Conclusions: It is apparent that children who start learning in two languages at early age have cognitive and linguistic benefits over children who are mono-linguistic. Also, it prepares children for future to get better employment. Diversity comes naturally to bilingual children as it helps them to grow, understand different aspects of life and prepares them to adjust in multicultural environment, as they imbibe certain characteristics during the course of time.Due to these characteristics it makes children smarter and more confident as they learn in two languages. Page | 4 Recommendations: ? Canadian kindergarten school should work on integrated marketing methodology to lure and educate parents on the benefits of bilingual education. Publicise print ads in newspaper, magazines and different educational websites focusing on curriculum inculcated by school, to ensure their focus is to flourish analytical and cognitive skills of kids while they learn two languages as bilingual kids tend to become sharper day by day. ? School should conduct ducational fairs near school vicinity to provide information and familiarise parents about bilingual education. Especially for a strong economy like Canada where people are expected to speak two languages. When children are introduced to second languages early in their life they learn quickly, master the art of language and become proficient as they are agile and creative. ? Prospective parents should be invited for personal webinar and chat sessions on school website. Prime focus should be on how dual language learning can transform kid’s life in a positive manner as it provides exposure to different culture and diversities.Perhaps, helps children later in their life for better employment opportunities. ? E-mailers and Direct mailers should be sent to parents emphasizing the fact that a child’s brain grows faster with bilingual education . Also, it builds analytical, mental, linguistic and creative skills by allowing brain to respond to two different languages. Page | 5 References 1. â€Å"Bilingual children ‘better at problem-solving skills† 2012, Scotland (UK),United Kingdom, Scotland, viewed on 24th Nov 2012, ; http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-19109883; 2. 3.CummingW(2005),† The capacity of the brain in learning multiple languages†, London Sage Dai, A,2012, It’s a Small World After All from, viewed 23 rd Nov 2012 http://www. thethunderproject. org/its-a-small-world-after-all/#more-1053 4. Genesee, F 2004, ‘What do we know about bilingual education for majority language students? ’, in TK Bhatia & W Ritchie (eds ), Handbook of bilingualism and multiculturalism, Blackwell, Malden, pp. 547576. 5. Hitti ,M,2004,†Being Bilingual Boosts Brain Power† MDHelth news, viewed 25 th Nov 2012 6. Lowry ,L, â€Å"Are Two Languages Better than One†, The Hanen Centre, viewed 24 th Nov 2012, ; http://www. anen. org/Helpful-Info/Our-Views-on-the-News/Are-Two-Languages-Better-Than-One. aspx; 7. â€Å"Language Learning and the Developing Brain† (1996, winter). Learning Languages, 1 (2), 17. 8. MarianV, Faroqi-Shah, Y, Kaushanskaya,M, H. K & & Sheng,L. 2009, â€Å"Bilingualism: Consequences for Language, Cognition, Development, and the Brain†, Asha Leader, vol. 14, no. 13,pp. 10-13, viewed 20th Nov 2012. 9. Mechelli, A. Nature, October 2004; vol 431: p 757 10. â€Å"The advantages of bilingualism in Canada† 2008, Canadian council on learning, viewed on 25 th Nov2012, Page | 6